KEE design and manufacture extended NuDisc® 2000 RBC Installation for Spanish Village.
“Fullgas are delighted that the installation of KEE’s NuDisc® RBC was completed on Monday without a single glitch. All the components fitted into place perfectly and we thank KEE for their expertise, attention to detail and commitment to the successful completion of this project.” Pablo Cepeda, Fullgas.

Fullgas offer environmental services in Spain and have been working with KEE for 25 years.
In September, Fullgas commissioned KEE to design and manufacture an extended NuDisc® 2000 Rotating Biological Contactor (RBC) for a wastewater treatment plant being built to service the small village of Beizama in Guipuzcoa, Basque Country.
The Challenge
The plant was to be designed to treat the waste flow from 230 people and cleanse the wastewater to the required consent for safe discharge into a reservoir.
Attention to detail and dimensional accuracy was critical in order to design and manufacture component parts which would fit perfectly into a solid, inflexible concrete structure erected independently on site.
The Solution
KEE supplied Fullgas with a 3D dimensional design for the concrete tank housing and detailed plant drawings to ensure the wastewater treatment system would meet environmental consent and process specifications. The process design was undertaken by the Basque Authorities.
The KEE 2000 NuDisc® RBC incorporated:
- A special extended Rotor to accommodate additional ‘media’ required to meet Environmental wastewater consent requirements
- KEE’s patented technology in Managed Flow and Substrate Balancing, enabling the NuDisc® to maintain process performance at peak times throughout the day.
NuDisc® 2000 Rotating Biological Contactor (RBC).
The RBC was manufactured and transported to Spain by KEE, to be installed on time and on budget by Fullgas.